Distance Run: None
Total Distance Run for January: 30.22 miles
Other Exercise: Tenpin Bowling (Team Syzygy - 30 minutes)
One of my self-imposed "conditions" for Janathon was that tenpin bowling constituted exercise. The drive to Heathrow, almost-inevitable loss, and drive home (after dinner) takes up almost 5 hours - and I'm knackered enough after all that without squeezing in a fairly pointless mile of jogging earlier in the day. Besides, whilst it doesn't leave you breathless, there's a certain amount of exertion involved in lobbing a 14lb ball down a 60 foot lane again and again and again - mostly knocking all the pins down after two attempts.
Tonight's match was my first in five weeks, meaning I had renewed delusions of adding more strikes to my solid spare game for some big scores. If you can spare (or better) every frame you're looking at a score around 190 - add some consecutive strikes to that and 200 games are the result. For various discouraging reasons, I finished 2011 stuck on a dire loop of not managing more than 1 strike in a row. Early days for 2012, but the loop continues...
The format for the Tuesday league is quads, and whatever team I play for tends to gravitate towards the bottom. It's not even amusing any more - every week the opposition play above their averages, and we play at or mildly above our own. My average from 8 weeks (24 games) was 170.48 before tonight, and I shot 162 198 152 for 512 (170.67 avg) - and I was the lowest scorer on our team. But we still lost 2-6. If it weren't for the social side of the game I'd have cut my losses by now; losing with friends and having a laugh regardless keeps me coming back for more. Whilst I'm there I may as well try and score high, and the only negative of the night was, again, failing to hit strikes - 7 in total is nowhere near enough. 5 open frames (2 in the first game, 3 in the third) isn't bad - mostly caused by a poor first shot. 18 spares is what keeps my average near to 170, and although I'd like it to be higher, it could be worse.
Injuries: Could do with a rest
Mood: Philosophical
The week of sport continues with more football action tomorrow night, and a few hours either side to "chill out" at home as well. Time to sleep.
I think you should come play Tolworth :)
ReplyDeleteI vow to make a guest appearance at least once this year - and will expect baked treats to commemorate the occasion!