Sunday, 8 January 2012

Day 8

Distance Run: None
Total Distance Run for January: 11.05 miles
Other Exercise: Wii Fit Plus - 22 minutes

  Over a quarter of the way through January/Janathon now, and I feel a sense of normality has returned to the world. Experience suggests February will be here in no time at all, and a few minutes after that it'll be Euro 2012, the Olympics, my 30th, and then bloody Christmas again. It might all be over in the blink of an eye, but at least this will be an eventful year.
  I took the opportunity of spare time to finish reading one of my Christmas presents: Start for Ten, by David Nicholls. I barely read any fiction, but found this an addictive and enjoyable read. Perhaps the tale of a nerdy teenager going off to University with delusional hopes and dreams, and a nerdy interest in a quiz show, rang all too true - who can say? Doing more reading is one of my aims for the year (note: Not a resolution), and whilst I'm fortunate not to have a daily commute by train/tube to work, I will strive to find a book to take on journeys where I'm not driving. I've a fair few to pick from, and the one with the basics of improving my cricket game will be high on the agenda ahead of the 2012 season.
  I got my daily exercise out of the way in the afternoon, with another spell of rhythm boxing completed and 30 more jacknifes. Several hours later and nothing hurts - yay! My BMI was 21.37 again, which is fine. No real improvement in my cold, but then I have laid off the Beechams over the weekend. A sachet for work tomorrow may be required.

Injuries: None, just illness
Mood: Chirpy

  Tomorrow, I shall pack my football gear up in case my presence at Edgware Rd is required. I wouldn't mind giving a long, albeit slow, run a go though. I must also figure out how to put the Janathon logo on my blog, and investigate (plus support) my fellow participants - now that I've posted enough random jargon to give everyone an idea of what I'm like. :)


  1. You should be able to put the logo at the side :) Is the book worth downloading?

  2. Managed the logo! Not sure what books you like, and as I barely read at all I'm hesitant to recommend it. I suspect you'd enjoy it though, if you're happy to read from the perspective of a naive male teenager. :)
